Staff working around a table

Transforming Software Development: Embrace Agile for Smarter Innovation

Envorso is committed to driving forward-thinking strategies in software development. Uncover the third of our five counterintuitive secrets with our latest whitepaper, “Fail Fast, Develop Smarter.” Explore the advantages of […]

Picture of Team Working on Computer

Unlocking Software Transformation: The Counterintuitive Secret to Increasing Quality

At Envorso, we’re dedicated to pioneering new paths in software transformation. Discover the second of our five counterintuitive secrets with our latest whitepaper, “Cut Workforce to Increase Quality.” Dive into […]

Connected Vehicle

Modern EV manufacturers are winning the talent war – how can automakers catch up?

Attracting and retaining the best software engineers has been an issue that the traditional automotive industry has wrestled with for years. As said best by a smirking Carlos Tavares, “Talent […]

Executives discussing over a car

How To Build A Career In Connected Vehicle

In a 2019 Daily Show interview, Oprah Winfrey was asked what singular, common trait she observed amongst successful people, and her instantaneous reply was, “[Successful] people get to where they […]

Software Defined Vehicle

Why a cultural shift is needed as the auto industry embraces software defined vehicles

Just as the emergence of software-defined vehicles (SDVs) requires automakers and Silicon Valley to blend their expertise, it also requires them to combine their processes and the way they approach […]

Industrial companies can’t afford to fall behind on software 

Historically, auto industry innovation moves slowly – conventional automakers favor measured, gradual improvements to vehicles over make-or-break gambles. But as the industry shifts towards software-defined vehicles (SDVs), falling behind on […]

Team of young professionals brainstorming and working in softwar

Unlocking the Power of Small Teams in Software Development

In the world of software development, the adage “less is more” holds true. While legacy vehicle manufacturers have long adhered to the philosophy of “more is more,” believing that expanding […]

Image courtesy of Gregg P. Cramer, Vice President of Economic Development at Greater Akron Chamber. Source: LinkedIn post by Gregg P. Cramer.

Envorso VP of Engineering Excellence Steve Tengler Discusses Software-Defined Vehicles at SAE World Congress

Envorso’s Vice President of Engineering Excellence, Steve Tengler, recently participated in a panel discussion at the SAE World Congress event in Detroit, focusing on the challenges and opportunities surrounding software-defined […]

a software defined vehicle

Envorso CEO Scotto Tobin Discusses the Challenges of Software-Defined Vehicles

Envorso CEO Scotto Tobin joined a panel of experts to discuss the challenges faced by traditional automakers in the transition to software-defined vehicles and offering software services in cars. During […]

Why automakers need to adopt an entirely new software development process

Traditional automakers know they are struggling with leaping forward with software integration into new cars and trucks. Companies have recently been more transparent over the past year or so as […]

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