intacs® certified Automotive SPICE®​Hardware Engineering

This training explains the hardware engineering processes in Automotive SPICE® PAM 4.0 and prepares participants for the intacs® certified Automotive SPICE® exam (Extension for Hardware Engineering).

The hardware engineering processes in Automotive SPICE® 4.0 are based on intacs® Hardware SPICE Version 3.0, which also contains a detailed mapping to ISO 26262:2018.


  • Introduction to Automotive SPICE® PAM 4.0 with a focus on hardware processes and the intacs® Hardware SPICE Version 3.0 model for process experts and assessors with Automotive SPICE® knowledge
    • Explanation of key concepts of the HWE PRM/PAM.
    • Explanation of the four HWE processes and their reasons.
  • Key differences between hardware and software development cycles.
  • Extension of assessments to the hardware engineering processes and ensuring consistent application of the plug-in concept.
  • Contents of the VDA guidelines for hardware engineering processes.
  • Preparation for the examination

Target Audience:

  • People who plan to perform assessments including the Hardware Engineering processes of Automotive SPICE® PAM 4.0
  • People who are tasked with improving or monitoring development processes including hardware engineering.


  • Participants should have several years of professional experience in the automotive industry (e.g. hardware/system development, project management, quality management, etc.)
  • Participants should have attended the “intacs® certified Process Expert Automotive SPICE®” training or have a higher level certification according to the intacs assessor training scheme


  • In the case of examination participation, examination fees are added to the training price.
  • The exam is taken by the VDA QMC. The “Zoom” software is used for online examinations. The use of a webcam is mandatory.
  • After a successful exam, the participant must actively apply to the VDA for certification. This additional step is done by the participant and independent of the training.
  • Additional fees apply for exam and certification as published on the Website of VDA-QMC.

Further Information:

  • This training is exclusively taught by experienced intacs® Certified Principal Assessors with extensive practical assessment experience. In addition, they are accredited intacs® instructors.
  • The training material is available in English.
  • Each participant will receive training documents and a confirmation of participation.
  • For online training, all materials are provided electronically in PDF format.

Duration: 2 days

Intacs Training provided through partnership with Certified Training Provider Process Fellows.


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